English Translation of terms in German Bank account Application forms (Antrag)
- Antrag : Application / Application form
- Kontoinhaber : Account Holder
- Anrede: Sex/Gender (Frau:Female & Herr: Male)
- Titel : Academic title (ex : Dr, Prof, etc)
- Vorname : First name
- Name : Last Name
- Geburtsname : Maiden Name
- Geburtsdatum : Date of your birth
- Geburtsort : Place of your birth
- Familienstand : Your relationship Status (Ledig: Single, verheiratet: Married, getrennt levend: Separated, geschieden: Divorced, verwitwet: Widow, lebengsgemeinschaft: Registered partnership
- Staatsangehörigkeit :Your citizenship (As in your passport)
- Telefonnummer : Your telephone number
- E-mail : E-mail Address
- Anschrift : address
- Straße : Street name
- Hausnummer: house number
- PLZ : Postal code,
- Ort* : City/Town
- Land : Country where you are residing
- Wohnhaft seit : Living in that address since in MM.YYYY
- Wohnstatus : Who owns your property ( Eigentum: You own the house, zur miete : Rented and sonstiges: others)
- Beschäftigung : Employment details
- Tätigkeit : Occupation (Angestellter : employed applicable in most cases)
- Derzeitiges monatliches Nettoeinkommen in Euro : Current monthly net salary (after taxes etc.) in Euros
- Tätig seit : Employed since in MM.YYYY
- Branche : Industry you work in
Girokonto | Checking accountCurrent Account |
Tagesgeld Konto | Overnight money deposit
AccountMoney Deposit Account Overnight Deposit Account |
Festgeld Konto | Fixed Deposit AccountFixed Term Deposit Account |
KreditKarte | Credit Card |
My name is Thamsanqa Lovemore Maneli. I am writing this email in respect of my late relative’s funds, By the name of Dr. Èrik Maneli, who is with your bank The Commerz Investment Private Bank. I want to open an online account with your bank to enable me to have access to my late relative’s funds as his only surviving relative and next of kin. I will be very happy if my email is granted a response with respect to my request.
Kind Regards.
Thamsanqa Lovemore Maneli