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This page contains all the legal information about the website as required by relevant laws in Germany. This is not a contact page for questions about banking in Germany. In case you have questions about banking in Germany, check the contact us page.

German bank account in Germany in order to help non-german speakers select the best bank account. This site is targeted at English-speaking people. Send us your comments and feedback to
Make it a nightmare for a non-german speaker to find information about the German bank account and compare them. As a foreigner myself, I realized that there is no information in English. After a few years in Germany and with a better understanding of the language and process, I created this website.
This site offers a comparison of the best bank accounts in Germany. Along with this, it offers practical advice and general information about banking in Germany. Unfortunately, due to the lack of time and a vast number of banks, I am limiting myself to the best bank accounts in Germany. I hope you find the comparisons on this site useful and make it easier. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are missing something or notice an error.
This website is for information purposes and contains non-biased information about banking and finance in Germany. In the meantime, the information may have been updated, and the information on the website may have expired. Please check the website for the latest information. So, the information provided by the Banks does not take responsibility in case of discrepancy, and the German language information should be considered correct.
I only recommend products that I would (am) use myself, and all opinions expressed here are my own. The website contains affiliate links, so I may earn a small commission when you buy through the link. It comes at no additional cost to you.
The images on the website are from
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