Not satisfied with the recommendations for German credit cards provided in the articles? This page allows you to do a detailed comparison between different Credit card offers in Germany. The result and detailed information in tabular column will help you decide the best Credit Card in Germany.
How to use the comparison table
1. Select the search conditions.
The default selections already provide conditions for a normal credit card use. However, if you want to make a more detailed selection criteria, you can make the following selections.
- Kartenumsatz innerhalb Euro-Raum pro Jahr: Annual expected purchase within the Eurozone.
- Kartenumsatz außerhalb Euro-Raum pro Jahr: Annual expected purchase outside the Eurozone.
- Durchschn. Guthaben / Überziehung p.a: Avg. Credit deposit / overdraft p.a : Some cards such as DKB offer interest on the credit deposits in the account. If you intend to have deposit on your card, select the expected credit deposit on the card to also include the interest earned.
- Kostenvergleich ab 2. Jahr? : Compare costs from 2nd Year: Some Cards have frist year free and charge annual fees from second year onwards. Check this box if you want to compare cards from the second year onwards.
- Nur kostenlose Kreditkarten : Only Free credit cards. This option lists only free credit cards in Germany which do not charge annual fees.
- Top-Ergebnisse anzeigen : See top recommendations on the top of the table to help you decide better.
2. Check the search results
The results are listed based on the recommendations according to the charges and costs.
- Zinsertrag : Interest Earned. If the credit deposits earn interest, then depending on the value you entered in the
- Grundgebühr: Annual Fees.
- Sonstige Kosten : Other Costs
- Gesamtertrag : Total Earned
For more details about the conditions, click on “Produktdetails”.
Comparison table
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